Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Drivin' Hawaiian

'Laid back' doesn't begin to describe this place. The most surprising thing I've seen here are the drivers. In California, it's 85 mph no matter what the posted speed limit is. Drivers routinely weave in and out of traffic, cut everyone off to get one car ahead, drive on the shoulders and then have the nerve to flip you off if you get in the way.

Hawaii? Totally different story. You need to get into the traffic flow? Somebody will slow up and wave you in. Today I saw drivers with the right of way and no stop sign slow, stop and space themselves out to allow a line of cars get in. Incredible!

The speed limit here is 60 in some areas. Usually it's 55 and enthusiastically enforced. There are still the few who just have to get ahead, but 99% of the people here are truly 'laid back' when it comes to driving. I find myself slowing down and relaxing even if I'm in a hurry to get somewhere. I even let people in front of me when I don't really have to.

Just another good reason to be here. I'll bet my blood pressure has dropped 10 points.

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