Sunday, August 17, 2014

July 30, 2014

Getting psyched for the next surgery.  My left foot hasn't completely healed and I can't walk on it normally yet. 

I told my doctor that it felt like I was 'walking on my bones'.  The outside and inside bones on the ball of my foot bear most of the weight and while it's not really painful, it is uncomfortable.  He has the nurse cut a pad that fits in the middle of the ball of my foot, which helps, but doesn't totally solve the problem.  I'm concerned that I will never walk normally again. 

My balance is badly off and I got a pair of crutches because I know I won't be walking well at all after the other foot is done.  I feel like a toddler, learning to walk again.  People probably think I'm drunk, watching me try to buy groceries.

Overall, my left foot hasn't regained full flexibility, but the doctor assures me that my rate of healing is well beyond what most people experience.  I attribute that to my refusal to lay down and cry.  I've been doing stretching exercises to keep the scar tissue from limiting my movement.  The doctor showed me how to have someone pull on my toe to help break up scar tissue.  The first time he pulled my toe, it was the most painful thing,  I though he was pulling it off.  But afterward, my toe actually felt looser and less swollen.  Weird. 

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